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Is Islam a 'religion of peace'?

You'll never think about Yasser Arafat, the Saudis, or Osama bin Ladin in the same way again..

The "new" anti-Semitism targets not only Jews, but Americans.

From Crown Forum

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about the Islamic Republic of America, the Wahhabi lobby, and their political enablers.

From the Introduction:

Why the "new "anti-Semitism is an attack on America


A few years ago, Rabbi Abraham Cooper of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles asked me to interview radical Islamic clerics during a reporting trip I was making through Syria, Jordan, and Gaza. He suggested I ask them about the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a notorious anti-Semitic forgery invented by the intelligence service of the Russian Czar in 1895, and whether they believed that Jews had a plan to conquer the world, as it asserted. I thought he was joking. "Just ask the question," Rabbi Cooper insisted. "See what they say."

The results, which I published in a monograph with the Simon Wiesenthal Center, were stunning . Not only did every one of the people I asked believe in the anti-Semitic lies put forward in the Protocols; some offered to pull out their own copy just to show me that it was real. None questioned the authenticity of the Protocols, which claimed to be the actual minutes of conspiratorial meetings of Jewish leaders. Most offered up their own anecdotes as proof that "World Jewry" had a plot to dominate the world and destroy Islam.

Americans will be stunned to discover the depth and extent of anti-Semitic hatred in today's Middle East and that Arab leaders from Saudi Arabia to Egypt are not just encouraging it, but spending a great deal of money to spread the kind of lies inherent in the Protocols and other anti-Semitic tracts, even as they declare their support for peace in the Middle East. They will be even more shocked to learn that anti-Semitic attacks are re-emerging in Europe less than 60 years after the Holocaust, and that hatred of the Jew is spreading with incredible speed on college campuses and among Left-wing politicians and intellectuals in America as well, a land that provided one of the first sanctuaries from oppression to European Jews.

It is vitally important that Americans of all backgrounds understand that much of today's anti-Semitism, while aimed at Jews, stems from a belief system that equally rejects America and indeed Western civilization as a whole. When Jews are killed in Jerusalem, or synagogues are attacked in Britain and France, Americans in New York, Philadelphia, and Chicago become more vulnerable. When Arab leaders invent new versions of the old Blood Libels, blaming the Israeli Mossad for the September 11 attacks and claiming that Jewish law requires that Passover pastries be made from the blood of gentile children, the Arab street sees more justifications for attacking America. Jews are like the canary that miners take down into the pits, to warn them when they are about to die. Jews get attacked first, when the enemies of America can't attack Americans. But make no mistake: we're next. It begins with the Jews, but it never ends with the Jews.

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Table of Contents:


1. "The Jews Did It!" Exploring the 9-11 myths in the Arab and Muslim world.

2. Horror at Passover. Inside the evil universe of a suicide bomber.

3. "They Have a Plan!" The Jewish world "conspiracy," as explained to the author by Hamas leaders

4. The Elements of Hate. A Primer on anti-Semitism.

5. Hitler and the Mufti. Guess who learned to hate Jews from the Nazis?

6. The House of War. How Iran and Saudi Arabia stoked Jew-hatred and hatred of America

7. Arafat's Reign of Terror. School textbooks, corruption, and fear, as told by their victims.

8. The Big Lie. Does Arafat want peace?

9. The "new" anti-Semitism in Europe. The cases of Norway, France and Austria.

10. The Islamic Republic of America. The Wahhabi lobby and their proxies seek to subvert America.

11. Islam on the March. On the trail of Osama Bin Laden.

"The Jews Did It!"
Read an excerpt about the reaction of Palestinians in the West Bank and Jerusalem to the 9/11 attacks on America
Saudi Wealth Fuels Global Jihadism
Read an excerpt about Saudi funding for al Qaeda, worldwide mosque building, and global jihad